Tampa police, Hillsborough County Sheriff's deputies and federal agents will be out in full force tomorrow during Tampa's annual Gasparilla parade.
More than 300,000 people are expected to attend the event that starts at 11 a.m. and goes on through 7:30 p.m.
"There will be guys walking through the crowd as pirates, or maybe not, in plain clothes making sure that the general public is safe," said Tampa Police chief Eric Ward.
Police will add more bike patrols to head through neighborhoods to make sure people who have been drinking beforehand are safe enough to head into the large crowds.
They'll also have portable security cameras in place, from which officers will monitor crowds from their command center.
During a media conference Friday afternoon, Mayor Bob Buckhorn said they've taken note from the latest deadly attacks, specifically the deadly shooting at the Fort Lauderdale airport.
"We try not to make the same mistakes and try to incorporate whatever whatever was done that works into our own plan," he said.
Road closures on the parade route along Bayshore Blvd. begin as early as 6 a.m. Saturday morning.