

Get home safe options during the Independence Day weekend

and last updated
If you or someone you know becomes impaired, here are a few local safe traveling options:
1. Get a FREE UBER! Uber is currently offering a "Free First Ride" (Up to $20) code. The code for 2016 is MADDTB.
2. Get a FREE AAA Tow-to-Go service. AAA will tow 2 people AND their personal car home from July1st at 6 a.m. on July 5th ! Check the website for more info. 
3.Call Friends and Family Members- Don't be shy to call a friend!
4.Call a Taxi Service:
o A Signature Transport- 727-944-5415
o Coastal Car Svc  727-868-3330
o Continental Care Svc  727- 869-8889
o Paradise Taxi Svc Inc- 813-788-6113
o Pasco Yellow Cab- 727-788-7157
o Silver Streak taxi- 727-849-6472
o Spring Hill Taxi  352-684-6696
o Yellow Cab of Dade City- 352-567-6776