A simple yellow dot could help save lives around Hillsborough Co.
Hillsborough Co. commissioner Les Miller presented the plan to his colleagues on Thursday to bring the “Yellow Dot” program to the county.
The program, currently implemented in Broward Co. provides yellow dot stickers for residents to place on their cars.
The sticker would alert first responders that the person inside has a medical condition.
They’d then know to look inside the glove compartment to find a pamphlet listing medical conditions, history or any medications the person is taking.
“This could be the difference between life and death like being able to get accurate information that they filled out,” said Megan Hanshew, a paramedic for the Hillsborough Co. fire department.
Miller estimates the program would cost the county around $30-50,000 for materials, but would be free for people to use.
“The money is insignificant to saving lives,” he said.
He first learned about the program and need to bring it to the county after hearing from Lena Young-Green.
Her husband, Arthur Green Jr. died in 2014 after he suffered a diabetic seizure while driving.
He hit two cars and a witness called police reporting an erratic driver.
Police say Green didn’t listen to their commands, so they cuffed him.
They called for paramedics once they realized something was wrong, but it was too late.
“It didn't register, or nobody paid attention,” said Green.
She’s pushing to bring the “Yellow Dot” program to the county, hoping it will help others in a similar situation.
“Just that small dot,” she said, “and they’re awareness and education and being able to recognize that means something could really help many I hope .”
The program is available nationwide and already implemented in 20 states.
Commissioners will need to decide on a final vote before the program is implemented around Hillsborough Co.
Miller would like other counties to join in as well.