

Brooks Debartolo H.S. gets Sarina's Oscar dress

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This year we are excited to that the dress will go to a young girl in need at Brooks DeBartolo Collegiate High School.

We went to the school in Tampa to share the news.

Charell Belcher cherishes each day in the classroom

"It is like a blessing it really is," said Belcher a 17 year old senior.

Belcher started at Brooks DeBartolo Collegiate High School   as a freshman and has never taken her education for granted.
"People are fortunate to come here," said Belcher. "It is like a family, the teachers treat us like family. Everyone is invested in our future."

The charter school while under the public school umbrella is funded primarily through donations and is comporable to a private school educaton.

Belcher said a private school is sometihng her mother could not afford. She is the mother of four girls amd has been raising them on her own.  

"Given that she is a single parent and she works a night shift, she does hair and she does anything she can to provide for us," said Belcher.  "This school is a dream come true and two of my sisters also went here.

Brooks DeBartolo Collegiate High School was built in Tampa in 2007. Former Buccanner Derrick Brooks and Former pro owner Edward DeBartalo joined forces.

"They saw a need for school like this and made it possible," said Principal Kristine Bennett.  "Now that we have been established we have a great track record of academic achievement."

We also wanted to recognize the school's accomplsihements . Bennett said the school has earned five consecutive A grades and are on track to get a sixth.

Even more prestigeous, a blue ribbon from the US  Department of Education presented in Washington DC last year.

"I had heard of this wonderful opportunity and to know that the dress is coming here!  I was thrilled and yes I was very surprised that we were selccted to be recepient," said Bennett.  "To help out this school, It is an investment in these children."

It certainly is resonating with Belcher.

"You see where you come from. When you get here and you see where you can go. You can't help but want to give that to someone else," said Belcher.

That' why we are so happy to give a this dress to a girl in need

"Because prom is so big!" Exclaimed Belcher. "I know whoever gets the dressm the whole school will be happy for them.
The dress will be unveiled at the Tampa Theatre Sunday night.