TAMPA, Fla. — Chuck Johnston didn’t rescue his cat Berkley from the shelter, he got him right out of the wilderness. He thought about giving Berkley to the Humane Society but knew in the condition he was in that they would likely not keep him.
“All the sudden he showed up one day behind our house, and he had no hair on the whole top of his head, and he had no hair going down through here and the hair on his chest was gone,” explained Johnston.

Berkley also had tar pasted all over his body, but it's unclear if someone did that to him. The vet told Johnston that this feral cat would never make a good pet.
“This cat is the most loving and affectionate cat of any of the ones we have,” said Johnston.
Berkley finally moved into the Johnston house on April Fool’s Day in 2011 and immediately got accustomed to his new surroundings.
“He likes to play video games, it’s really cute,” explained Johnston.

The Johnston’s never expected a cat to show up at their door, but it turned out to be a wonderful surprise.
Don’t forget to share your rescue dog or cat stories on the Tully’s Tails Facebook Page. We might even share it on Good Morning Tampa Bay.